Relieving Budget Pressure Through Hardware Reduction

July 30, 2024 |  Budget, Data, Data Mistakes
2 min

By strategically reducing the number of computers in various areas, CIOs can unlock a host of benefits.

Higher education institutions often have constrained budgets with competing priorities, making it challenging to allocate sufficient funds for IT needs. Chief Information Officers (CIOs) have a unique opportunity to optimize their IT budgets by right-sizing hardware across campus. 

By strategically reducing the number of computers in various areas, CIOs can unlock a host of benefits. 

Benefits of reducing hardware:

  • Cost Savings: Reducing hardware lowers maintenance costs related to power, heating, cooling, and network access.
  • Increased Efficiency: IT staff can focus on high-priority tasks instead of routine maintenance of unused computers.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Machines can be moved to departments or campuses where they are needed most, maximizing their utility and doubling the savings.
  • Support for Students and Staff: Unused machines can be loaned or donated to students in need or staff working from home.
  • Reduced Maintenance Needs: Fewer machines mean lower  maintenance and support costs.

Monitor Hardware Usage in Real Time

LabStats is a computer lab usage tracking software that monitors usage of both in-person and remote computers. This software allows IT teams to see when, where and how long students are using hardware on campus. 

Real-time reports like Peak Usage History show traffic trends, so IT teams can see if computer labs are at or near capacity.

What does LabStats track? The following is a list of LabStats computer usage reports:

  • Summary of logins by location, user, or machine
  • A historical timeline of active sessions
  • Average number of logins on a single computer, lab, or classroom
  • Average usage history of a computer by week or day
  • Peak times computers or labs are accessed
  • Inventory of computers

Knowing how computer labs are used in real time can help IT teams move computers or assign stations to be remote-only without negatively impacting the student experience. 

Switch to Remote Access

Colorado State University noticed that about half of their computers were sitting idle before they implemented the LabStats Remote Access Dashboard

“Not only did the solution make access easy for students, it alleviated some of the demand on the servers because students started logging in to computers that had been sitting unused in vacant labs.”

The Remote Access Dashboard displays live computer availability to students, along with a simple “Connect” button so students can remote into campus computers using a VPN. This allows IT teams to maximize computer usage.

In conclusion, right-sizing hardware with the help of tools like LabStats not only saves costs but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of IT operations, ultimately improving the educational experience for students and staff.

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LabStats specializes in helping IT leaders reduce spend and get their budgets right.

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