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Avoiding Costly Data Errors:
3 Common Mistakes that Drain Your IT Budget
In the challenging world of higher education IT management, every dollar counts. yet many institutions inadvertently drain their IT budgets through common data management errors :
Paying for Software That Isn’t Used: Learn how to identify and eliminate unused software licenses to save costs.
Letting Computers Collect Dust: Discover strategies to optimize computer usage and prevent underutilized hardware
Keeping Computer Labs Open Too Long: Find out how to adjust lab hours based on actual usage data to improve efficiency.

Why Track Higher Education Hardware and Software Usage
Learn how to leverage hardware and software usage data to support institution-wide goals. Answer common questions that higher ed CIOs face, such as:
What IT assets and software can be tracked?
What data points can be collected and why are they important?
What other goals can IT asset tracking help me achieve?
How can IT leaders combine data to gain further insights?
Who can benefit from better understanding of IT asset usage in higher education?

5 Key Initiatives for IT Decision Makers in Higher Ed for 2024
This eBook helps uncover concrete ways your peers and industry thought leaders are aligning projects and spending with game-changing strategies that include:
Aligning IT projects with campus-wide goals for student success
Maximizing agility to alleviate budget pressure
Making data-driven decisions the status quo
Sustaining innovation in a changing world
Discovering how AI and emerging technology can support core initiatives